What does this page measure?
It measures network connection parameters concerned with ping or RTT. Round-trip time, or RTT for
short, is the duration it takes a packet to reach the server and get back to you once the server
responds. It is also called latency in some applications, however, latency could sometimes mean only
one half of the RTT, either duration to the server or duration to the client. Lower RTT usually
correlates with better gaming experience.
Why another ping measuring website?
This web application is actually one of the first to accurately measure the packet loss. Most of the
existing websites don't accurately measure the packet loss because they're based on the TCP
protocol, which is designed to automatically resend packets in case some are lost. Therefore, with
TCP you cannot reliably detect when a packet is lost. This web application uses the latest
technology to measure the connection parameters by sending UDP packets, which aren't retransmitted
as the TCP ones.
Why is packet loss metric important?
Most of the real-time applications such as gaming and video streaming applications don't resend data
when it's lost. When packets are lost the quality of your experience is degraded. In online games
when packets are lost it's usually manifested as uninteded player teleportation. By measuring your
packet loss upfront with this application you can get an insight whether your connection is ready
for such applications or not.
Why is ping variation metric important?
Ping variation indicates how ping changes over time. In normal situations, it's impossible to
predict whether a ping will be higher or lower in a particular moment, however, a specific range of
the ping can be estimated using statistical estimators. On this page, standard deviation is used to
assess ping variation. Real-time applications and games perform badly when ping variation is high,
and this effect is magnified when also the ping is high. The effect of high variation in online
games is slight teleportation of players' characters. This can be especially problematic in
first-person shooter games where precise positioning is crucial.
This web application currently doesn't permanently store any of the visitors data. The data such as
visitors' IP addresses are only stored in server logs along with the endpoint names that are
accessed. This data isn't provided in any form to any third parties.
This page was created from a personal project by Ivan Katalenić in his spare time. It uses Go on the
backend, and pure CSS, HTML, and TypeScript/JavaScript on the frontend without any third-party